That moment of waking up with the Indian sunrise.

Day 3- May 15th 2014 Dharamsala

It’s 5:30 am and the sun slowly starts rising above the mountain cliff shining into my room. My first morning waking up in Dharamsala, and I’m wide awake ready to start the day. I head out into the town with another student from Spain, as we walk around finding a place for breakfast. Eventually we find a brunch restaurant, that over looks the amazing landscape of Dharamsala. We met some other students at the restaurant that have been in India for a few days, and gave us some tips and places to go around. After wandering around for sometime I eventually found a trail that brought me up to even more amazing views of the city.

At 3pm we have our first orientation, as we all gather by the bonfire directly below my patio. I meet some more students who are doing the 200 hour, 300, and a special Japanese yoga training. We were guided by several of the instructors into a mediation ceremony while reciting mantra scriptures and receiving a bindi dot placed on our foreheads. A big part of the yoga practice involves the mediation side which leads to a spiritual element of the journey (for some). Although my yoga practice has been more physical for me thus far, part of my adventure to India is to learn and grow more spiritually, a side of yoga I see benefitting the western world tremendously.

After going around introducing ourselves, I got to learn more about where all the students are from and what brought them to yoga. It was great hearing everyone’s story, and being in a group of people who are all so passionate about yoga as well. I ate my first vegetarian meal at the school, and talked with some of the other students about our past travel experiences. I headed back to my room where I am sitting now and prepare for my first day of classes tomorrow starting with a 2 hour mantra and meditation at 6 am! Here goes everything!

Joseph Vinciguerra