That moment I arrived in Dharamshala

Day 2- May 14th 2014 New Delhi – Dharamshala, India

I’m looking out my balcony far into the distance of the mountains and village of Dharamshala and feel blessed that yoga has taken me here for my 200 hour training. I did not expect this city to be so beautiful, peaceful and extremely out in the middle of North India, but it is in ever way. Early in the morning I catch my flight from New Delhi to Dharamshala. My 2 hour flight brings me to one of the smallest airports I’ve ever flown into. I meet some of the other yogis who will be doing the training who come from all parts of the globe. From the airport we take a one hour taxi ride straight up to the mountains to get to the city. The extremely narrow 2 way road consisted of breathtaking views and various people traveling by car, motorbikes and even animals. The road at parts became so pebbly, a motorcyclist completely fell off his bike right in front of our taxi.

Once we all arrived at the school and got settled in, some of the other students and I decided to walk around the city for a bit. Dharamshala, home of the Dalai Lama, and many Tibetan monks is also where many Tibetan refuges live who fled Tibet once they were forced in exile. The city is surround by the Kangra Valley and the Himalayas which makes ever few minutes a desire to stop, and take a look at the amazing views. We all stopped at a Tibetan cafe where I had delicious momas/ dumplings. Eventually we ended up at the H.H temple where the Tibetan monks practice. It is an extremely powerful place where I watched the monks durning their ceremony in the beautiful temple.

As I unpacked all my belongings out of my backpack in my apartment, I couldn’t help but look out the window every few seconds and see the natural beauty in this country. Again I kept asking myself, how I ended up in such a peaceful city.

Joseph Vinciguerra