That moment of pouring rain durning yoga.
I’m out on the deck for the afternoon asana class in half bind pose when suddenly rain starts pouring down over the beautiful city of Dharamsala. This might sound like an awful way to do a yoga class, but after all the the morning meditation, philosophy classes, and 2 classes a day, I understand that the rain is just prana, a life source that I’m taken in durning this class out in India. I ended the class in shavasana with rain hitting my smiling face, feeling absolutely amazing and soaked after class.
Since I’ve started the teacher training I’ve not only practiced a ton of postures several hours a day, but I’ve also got to learn the importance of yoga, meditation and breathing exercises. Each morning we begin by reciting our yoga mantras, we then start with classes out on the deck under the beautiful north India sun. Lots of postures, lots of energy, and a ton of learning. Today’s class we learned each part of surya namaskara (salutations to the sun), an energizing group of postures that stretches, tones and spiritually awakens the body.
With yoga we can focus our minds in one direction, it also gives you the goal in life to be free from worldly desires and attachments. I believe anyone can do yoga and with the practice of meditation can live a pure balanced life being released from spiritual suffering. So the next time that it rains rather than running away or letting it ruin your time, look at the beauty of this life force. Not only are you inhaling in oxygen, but you are also in breathing in a cosmic prana.